RMW Civil Rights Consultant Office focuses on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)—Discrimination Law. Whatever your situation, you need an experienced legal representative who can aggressively defend you while comforting your worries. Randy Williams has the resources and experience to effectively defend your case. When you need legal representation that is intelligent, skilled, and genuinely on your side, you need RMW EEO Civil Rights Consultant Office.

Why Randy Williams?

Randy has worked in Civil Rights for over 30 years, managing the EEO discrimination complaint process at every level from informal complaints, counseling, mediation, investigations, and up to rendering final Case Decisions. He served as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Southern Regional Civil Rights Manager and was former Departmental Office of Civil Rights (DOCR) Regional Director.

During his time, he was awarded the Secretary of Transportation's Gold Medal Award, Secretary's Award for Meritorious Achievement (Silver Medal), C. Alfred "Chief" Anderson Award and more…making him one of the highest decorated Civil Rights/EEO Officers in the history of both Department of Transportation (DOT) and the FAA. 

Now, as a National Civil Rights Expert, Randy continues his efforts to help employees and managers resolve conflicts in the workplace through the establishment of RMW EEO Civil Rights Consultant Office.



At RMW EEO Civil Rights Consultant Office, our clients are of the utmost importance and we are committed to meeting their needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business are from repeat customers and referrals.  In addition, we have a network of Civil Rights Professionals, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) experts, and former Lawyers who come together to help people in urgent need. Federal EEO cases are our specialty.


Our mission is to eliminate your concerns and help you achieve success throughout the entire EEO complaint process. With over 100 years of collective knowledge and experience in Civil Rights and EEO Programs, services are tailored to your specific needs and range from Administrative, Case Management & Representation, Investigations & Hearings and Training.

ADMINISTRATION – Complaint development and writing; EEO Case reviews

CASE MANAGEMENT & REPRESENTATION - Formal complaint filings; Advocacy and representation in stressful activities e.g. ADR/mediation and settlement negotiations; Representation for all investigations and hearings.

INVESTIGATION & HEARINGS - EEO Case Investigations; Expert Witness Testimony for EEOC Hearings and Federal Court Litigations

TRAINING - Employee Training Sessions; Management Training Sessions; Webinars/Seminars Speaker


The EEO complainant is often victimized twice. First, by the original discrimination; then, by the EEO system in which the agencies have the advantage in resources and support. The second victimization could include paying exorbitant legal fees with limited and disappointing outcomes. The EEO process is similar to the navigation of a long and treacherous river. If you don’t know or understand what you are doing, you can be lost and suffer profoundly.  I understand your situation, your pain, and ultimately how to overcome the ‘river’ and win. I can navigate you through the entire EEO process, saving you time, expense, and worry.

Podcast & Resources:

Our mission is to share impactful knowledge that in-effect helps people overcome the oppression of unlawful discrimination.


Through The Art of Discrimination Self-Defense podcast, Randy provides instruction on how to effectively develop and present workplace complaints against unlawful discrimination. 

Listen as he explains the do’s and don’ts and best practices in the entire Workplace Discrimination Complaint System—covering all stages of the administrative process, identifying real violations of Equal Employment Opportunity laws and learning how to gather meaningful evidence/proof to support your complaint.

 Have you have been the target of unlawful discrimination?

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